In 2022, the Government of Spain has promoted the creation of a Pilot Autism Research and Training Center managed by the Autism Spain Confederation; a centre that aspires to become a benchmark in research and training on ASD, both at a national and European level.
There is a need to promote research and specialised training of the TEA in different key sectors
On numerous occasions we have conveyed to the Government the need to promote research and specialised training in ASD in different key sectors (education, health, justice, employment, social, etc.), as stated in the Spanish Strategy on ASD, approved in 2015 as a reference framework for the definition of state, regional and local actions that improve the quality of life of people with ASD and their families.
It is the only way to respond to the enormous growth of the group experienced in recent years, as well as the challenges that people with autism encounter in different fields to respond to their support needs.
Despite the high prevalence of autism (in Spain it manifests itself in 1 in 100 births), the development of research is limited in Spain, and there is no public centre specialised in autism spectrum disorder (ASD). This means that there is hardly any verified information on the reality and needs of the more than 470,000 people with autism who reside in Spain.
The implementation of solutions that increase knowledge about the situation of the collective and promote the implementation of evidence-based practices is one of our main demands.
What are the goals?
1. Promote research on the reality of ASD
And we will do it within the Spanish context, generating knowledge that incorporates the rigour of the scientific method and the adjustments that people on the autism spectrum need to participate in its co-creation.
2. Make autistic people visible
Make them visible and provide them with the capacity for self-representation and decision-making in areas of interest for research that affect them.
3. Promote the dissemination of research results
Through scientific channels (scientific journals, congresses, professional meetings, etc.) but also informative channels (media, social networks, blogs, podcasts, etc.).
4. Bring the results of the research closer to the different interest groups
Autistic people, families, non-specialized professionals, public policy makers, etc. guarantee that the dissemination of knowledge meets criteria of easy understanding and cognitive accessibility.
5. Promote training and specialisation of key sectors, such as education or health, in relation to the TEA approach
Favouring the training of its professionals and the implementation of practices based on evidence, ethics and respectful of fundamental human rights. This will allow, among other things:
Improve health care for autistic people and their access to health services.
Promote inclusive education in the case of students on the autism spectrum.
Promote access to justice for people on the autism spectrum.
6. Promote innovation in the design and transformation of support resources
In the support that people on the autism spectrum require throughout their lives, from a community approach and universal accessibility. This will allow, among other things, to favour their access to culture, leisure and community participation.
7. Contribute to the development of public policies based on research results
How is it going to work?
- Research and knowledge transfer
Seek to detect and identify needs in relation to aspects of real interest to autistic people
- Training and specialisation
Promoting the training of the different key agents in the lives of autistic people, with special interest in areas such as education, health or social services.
- Active participation of autistic people
Autistic people are key agents in the management and coordination of the centre, as well as in the research and knowledge transfer processes. The centre is having autistic people from all autonomous communities and cities regardless of the intensity or type of their support needs. To this end, the centre is providing individualised support to each person to facilitate their participation in the consultation and research processes.
In addition, the actions are governed by the principles of gender perspective and life cycle perspective, in order to contemplate all stages of development.